Digital Measuring Instruments Supplier & Manufacturers

instrumentation, test equipment suppliers.

by:HoldPeak     2020-05-08
The following catalogue lists suppliers of instruments and test equipment for the rubber industry, providing addresses, contacts, information types, test equipment and services. Acrolab Ltd.
John Hawkins hotel 1423 Franklin Street
Unit 3 phone, MI 48207 F143, Detroit :(800)265-9542 Fax: (800)465-
9674 meters: Heat Transfer Technology Adamel Lhomargy SAS 6-sales office manager Batt Pierre Bobin--Z. A.
Habitat route of d\'ozoir F-
Tel: (77680 Roissy en Brie, France)33)1-64409210 Fax: (33)1-
64409211 website: www. Test the machine.
Com mailbox: adamellhomargy @ testingmachines.
Physical testing services provided: technical services, training Admet Inc.
Dr. Morgan.
Manowood 02062 Tel :(781)769-0850 Phone: (800)667-3220 Fax: (781)769-
0884 website: www. admet.
Com mailbox: Sales @ admet
Com instruments: mechanical and hydraulic General Test frame for tensile, compression, Dynamic fatigue and torsion testing;
Digital indication system for tensile, compression, Dynamic fatigue and torsion testing
Frank Laver, 4850 Street
Ste 150 Trevose, PA 19053 Tel :(215)464-6070 Fax: (215)464-
4096 website: www. aeroglide.
Com mailbox: Sales @ Ireland.
Com instrument: Alpha Technologies Services, LLC Mark D, Senskey 3030 Gilchrist Rd.
Oh, Akron 44305-4420 Phone: (330)745-1641 Phone: (800)356-9886 Fax: (330)848-
7326 website: www. alpha-technologies.
Com mailbox: Sales @ dynisco.
Com instrument and instrument: single sample and half sample
Automatic and automatic frequency conversion processing instruments (RPA, PPA, APA)And spoon (
Mini tester, multi-drug resistant
Mooney viscosity meter (
MV2000 and variable speed MV2000)
And general testers (T2000, T10K)
Eclipse laboratory information management system software for data collection (
Eclipse Standard 32 and Eclipse Aurora)
, Dynisco, polymertest equipment: service items for the service of the matrix 4000 series of melt flow rate and capillaryrheology and LCR 7000 series: A2LA installation, training, calibration andpreventative maintenance project (CPMP)
Engineering support for various instruments and equipment, AlphaCare verification services, remote ports, applications, production and materials (APM)on-site, Six-
Sigma project support, material engineering workshop, RPAcourses, foundations and advanced flow classes for Altman manufacturing
Altman, St. Paul, Ohio, 1990
Laer, IL 60532 Tel :(630)963-0031 Fax: (630)963-
0089 website: www. altmanmfg.
Com Email: brian @ altmanmfg.
Com services provided: testing molded parts for cracking, extrusion, pressure testing, metal insert detection, size and airflow Environment Technology Company
Rick Olds, sales and marketing manager, Pioneer Street 100
Suite A Santa Cruz, CA 95060 Tel :(831)429-4200 Fax: (831)427-
1160 website: www. ambiostech.
Com Email: rolds @ ambiostech.
Com instrument: Xi-100, Q-
View interference measurement service provided: Carbon Black dispersion index measurementC. Ames Inc.
Melrose 78 stone place, Ma 02176 Tel :(800)438-4249 Phone: (781)893-0095 Fax: (781)647-
3356 website: www. bcames.
Com Email: info @ bcames.
Com instruments for thickness measurement-
Hand-held sub-meter and digital bench, non-
Contact AccuFlow air measurement forin-
Process and work table;
Electronic reading
Services provided: Application Engineering of Ametek PMT in the United StatesS. Gauge Div.
Jim Snyder, sales manager, 820 Penner Avenue.
Tel: (19053)215)355-6900 Fax: (215)355-
2937 instruments and meters: process detection technology, pouraticcontrollers, electronic transfer process, calibration equipment services: technical services, training Dr. Ametek Shati 8600 sommerse.
Lago, FL 33773 Tel :(800)527-9999 Fax: (727)539-
6882 website: www. chatillon.
Email: chatillonfl-lar@ametek.
Services provided: technical services, training, software programs. Anderson Co. William S.
1245 President ColeCleveland-Massillon Rd. Suite 2 P. O.
4400 Copley, OH 44321 Tel :(330)670-1363 Fax: (330)670-
9450 website: www.
Loft, Henderson
Com mailbox: Sales @ leverettanderson.
Com instruments: provide service for testing equipment for rubber and plastic materials: sales, service, including calibration design and manufacture of special testing equipment
1700 universal Road Lindsay Luffy
Tel: (15235)412)795-
6410 website: www. anter.
Email: Sales @ anter
Com instrument: expansion meter (CTE)
Measurement, thermal conductivity, thermal diffusion coefficient/specific thermal capacity system services provided: test services for thermal expansion, thermal conductivity, thermal diffusion coefficient and specific thermal capacity application test system
Housekeeper, 154 East Brook Lane, PA 16002 Tel :(724)283-1212 Phone: (800)299-6408 (U. S. only)Fax: (724)283-
6570 website: www. atspa.
Com Email: selling @ atspa.
Com instruments: creep/stress break testing machines, Universal Tensile testing machines, pressure testing systems, fatigue testing machines, furnaces and ovens, elastic extenders, and special test equipment calibration provided for testing and processing, restoration of Asylum Research Terry Mel, Deere. of mktg.
6310 Hollister Avenue
CA 93117-gorita3115 Phone: (805)696-6466 Fax: (805)696-
6444 website: www. asylumresearch.
Com Email: info @ asylumresearch.
Force microscope, cantilever.
Jamie Chesler, general manager of marketing, Atlas material testing technology--Service 4114 NRavenswood Ave.
Tel: (Chicago, IL 60613)773)327-4520 Fax: (773)327-
5787 website: www. atlas-mts.
Mail: info @ atlas-mts.
Com instruments: a full set of instruments and services offering accelerated and natural weathering services: helping to develop the best weathering process for its products, providing education and training courses worldwide, outdoor and laboratory Weather Service Automation Control System Co. , Ltd.
No. 627 Hazel Road
New Haven in the 46774 Phone :(260)493-6606 Fax: (260)749-
4782 website: www. acsmfg.
Com Email: sell @ acsmfg.
Com instrument: PVT (pressure-vibration-thermal)
Service of coolant durability tester provided: design and manufacture of test equipment for component durability, auditing and functional testing;
Data acquisition capability automated product company\'s leak and burst testing equipment-
Dynatrol application department 3030 Max Roy St.
Houston, Texas 77008-6294 Phone: (713)869-0361 Phone: (800)231-
2062 fax from the United States and Canada :(713)869-
7332 website: www. dynatrolusa.
Com Email: Sales @ dynatrolusa.
Com instruments: equipment for measuring and/or controlling density, specific gravity, percentage of solids, percentage of concentration, viscosity and liquid level detection. Division seal inspection of Basler Vision Technologies headquarters62 D-
22926 Ellensburg, Germany Tel: 49 (0)4102-463-350 Fax: 49(0)4102-463-
359 Email: Message @ baslerweb.
Automatic seals and o-
US Office seal check Dr Katie Martin 740 Springdale, Ste.
100 Exton, PA 19341 Tel :(610)280 0171 Fax: (610)280-
7608 instruments: automatic sealing and o-
73 Ted Benz, president of Maplehurst Ave, material testing the ring detection system for defects and dimensions of instrument tables.
God, RI 02908 Tel :(401)331-
5650 website: www. benztesters.
Com instruments: flow meter, thickness gauge, viscosity meter, burst pipe tester, ball burst tester, click tester, tensile tester, test mold, test tube aging oven, hardness, Ross flexto-
Fault tester, melt flow index, NBS wear tester, dinabra wear tester, drop hammer impact tester, Swing Hammer impact tester, mold, brittle tester and plaster tester, TR tester, test tube, glassware, test fixture and fixture services: technical services, training, software, repair and reconstruction of test instruments, laboratory information management system Beta LaserMike Greg Cadillac 8001 tech drive.
Dayton, OH 45424 Tel :(937)233-9935 Fax: (937)233-
7284 website: www. betalasermike.
Com Email: Sales @ betalasermike.
Com instrument: noncontact, laser-
Size measurement based on ultrasonic Wall
Thickness and concentricity measurement system, as well as laser length and speed systemW.
Kevin R. Blabband instrumentsVan Allen 50 E. Wesley St.
South Hackensack, NJ 07606 Tel :(201)343-
8425 website: www. cwbrabender.
Com mailbox: cwbi @ cwbrabender
Com instruments: laboratory testing equipment for rubber testing, including processing performance research, dispersion, mixing, curing and density testing equipment for R & D and quality control services: Test Laboratory Brookhaven instruments
750 blue dot Road
HOLTSVILLE, NY 11742 Tel :(631)758-3200 Fax: (631)758-
3255 mail: info @ bic
Website: www. bic.
Com instruments: Particle size measurement using laser scattering, disk centrifugal, laser scanner and dynamic image analysis;
The dynamic potential analysis was carried out by the particle electric swimming device and the flow potential;
Applications include pigment and carbon black services provided: technical support Buchel BV Andre Jansen, director of 24, 3905 KV Veenedaal, Netherlands, Tel :(31)318-521-500 Fax: (31)318-540-
358 website: www. Test the machine.
Com mailbox: buchel @ testingmachines.
Com instruments: physical tester services provided: Technical Services, on-demand measurement system training Michael Harris, technical director Lars Carrick, CEO and President Pkwy, 1150 Brookstone center.
GA Columbus 31904 Tel :(706)323-5142 Fax: (706)323-
0178 website: www. bytewise.
Com Email: Sales @ bytewise.
Com instruments and meters: available at the same time-line and off-line, non-
Contact measurement solutions for the tire, rubber seals and washers industry.
Some examples are Profile 360, the side wall bump and dent measurement system, and several applications for the measurement service of the tire manufacturing machine provided: installation and training of Kaver company1569 Morris St. P. O.
544 cases Wabash, 46992-0544 Phone: (260)563-7577 Fax: (260)563-
7625 mail: carverpress @ corpemail.
Website: www. carverpress.
Com instrument and instrument: Cousulting service interface, laboratory equipment company.
Warner, president, 221 Beaver Street
Oh, phone 44304 :(330)376-3600 Phone: (800)742-8535 Fax: (330)376-8500 Fax: (800)227-
9329 website: www. ccsi-inc.
Website: www. orecozone.
Web mailbox: jack @ ccsi-inc.
Com instruments: hardness tester, wiper (ODR)
, Mui viscosity meter, rheostat data system for Mui and Rhein meter, new recorder for ODRs, ASTM mould, mould, cutter, XDR Mooney viscosity meter
Provide: mobile mold flow analyzer for certified calibration, service and testing services, XDR disk analyzer, Orecozone chamber and display calibration, low temperature TR test and brittle point tester service repair hardness tester, Mooney viscosity meter, all flow meters and recorder, tensile tester, thickness gauge, A2LA Certified Calibration Laboratory and ISO 9002 and 17025 registered CDS analytical instruments, company.
Gary Dege of Deere
Sales and mktg.
465 Limestone RoadP. O.
Oxford box 277, PA 19363-0277 Phone: (610)932-3636 Phone: (800)541-6593 Fax: (610)932-
4158 mail: Sales @ cdsanalyical
Website: www. cdsanalytical.
Services provided: manufacturing Cober Electronics, Inc.
151 Bernard Krieg Woodward Avenue
Novak, CT 06854 Tel :(203)855-8755 Fax: (203)855-
7511 instruments: microwave acceptance test, microwave measurement services provided: technical services of microwave technology Coran instrumentsLoretta J.
President Miller, 37
New York corlam 11727 Tel :(516)331-
5321 instruments: test instruments for rubber, plastic and polyurethane foam Jiaozhou enterprisesSec.
3 Taiwan Taichung Phone: 04-2629602 Fax: 04-
2630138 instruments: instruments for testing fluid resistance, fatigue, wear, tear, stretching, processing performance and ozone performance
Science Instruments Co. , Ltd.
Miguel Vargas, manager
244 East Third Street
Field 07060 Tel: New Jersey :(908)226-1777 Fax: (908)226-
4973 website: www. dektroncorp.
Com Email: info @ dektroncorp.
Com instruments: materials testing equipment provided: application help for material testing;
8860 207 St. Services and repairs in the delivery industry of test equipmentW.
Minneapolis manganese 55044 Tel :(888)
Services provided: technical services, training Dewes Gumbs Die & press Robert Salerni or James Long-Up 38-33 24th St. L. I. C.
, NY 11101 phone :(718)784-9756 Fax: (718)784-
9755 instruments: sample cutting molds, molds for ASTM, DIN, JAP, tappy and test equipment services provided: re-regulation and re-calibration of test molds and mold digital instrumentsG.
112 Heaton, marketing director, Robin Hill Road.
Santa Barbara, California 93117 Tel :(805)967-1400 Phone: (800)873-
9750 instruments: Scanning Probe, atomic energy microscope, stylus profiler Dr Dillon 1000 Armstrong
Fairfield, MN 56031 Tel :(507)238-
4461 website: www. dillonforce.
Com Email: info @ dillon-force.
Com instruments: testing systems, computers controlled by manual systems, power meters, load cells, software services provided: sales, services and technical assistance Ektron Tek Co. , Ltd. Dept.
182,380 Lane international sales, tons-An Rd. , Tien-chung, Chang-
Hwa 520 Taiwan Phone :? 4-8761635 Fax: ? 4-
8761637 website: www. ektrontek.
Com Email: ektronco @ ms48. hinet.
Net instrument: bending machinery, ozone tester, flow meter, tension tester, tire tester, viscosity meter, vibration simulator elstocon AB Goteborgsvagen 99 SE-
504 60 Sweden Bolas Phone :? 22 56 30 Fax: ?
13 88 71 website: www. elastocon. com E-
Mail: info @ elostocon
Com instruments: stress relaxation system, creep system, agingovens, sample preparation, automatic Gehman tester, TR-
Kristin Gusler 244 Dr Oakland electronic development laboratory tester, brittle tester, low temperature compression setting tester, windshield spray, electrical test, computer test
Danville, VA 24540 Tel :(434)799-0807 Fax: (434)799-
0847 website: www. edl-inc.
Email: Sales @ edl-inc.
Services provided: Calibration Services Emerson Instruments Co. , Ltd.
Sales Department Dr.
12 Gorham, ME 04038 Tel :(800)445-1055 Fax: (207)856-
1117 website: www.
Emergency instruments
Com mailbox: Selling @ emersonapparatus.
Services provided: technical services, training Federal products company com instruments: rubber polishing machine, foam durability tester, ASTM 1055 load deflection tester
Alex Tabenkin, marketing manager. 1144 Eddy St.
God, RI 02940 Tel :(401)784-3100 Fax: (401)941-
5280 instruments: dispersion analyzer for the determination of carbon particle dispersion in rubber products and tires, dimensional measurement equipment, circular measurement equipment, surface finish measurement equipment
2663 method C services provided: technical services, training, computer software programs
Patricia White, president, 58 Norfolk Avenue
Tel: (Suite 4, South Easton, MA 02375)508)297-2363 Fax: (508)297-
2314 Email: info @ forte-tec.
Com website: Fudi-tec.
Com instrument measurement: electronic moisture measurement system for the whole package of synthetic rubber services provided: technical services, software programs, synthetic rubber testing equipment and training Saxony 29693 German Tel: 5164-8019-0 Fax: 5164-8019-30 Website: www. gabo.
Com Email: info @ gabo.
Dynamic mechanical thermal material testing system (DMA/DMTS/DMTA)
Gabometer and deflection meter (
According to Goodrichflexometer)
Services provided: Gearhart Machine Company, Inc.
Gregory Gilhart, president, 1145 Highbrook Avenue
Oh, phone 44301 :(330)253-1880 Fax: (330)253-
1886 instruments: Laboratory
ASTM mold, custom rubber mold services provided: Fixture and fixture, mold and rotor, mechanical consultant, R & D, custom machinery, custom and design Cutting mold, tim Haake, general manager, processes and copies outdated gears and parts.
SC 488 Lake Shore Park Road 29730 Tel :(803)324-3883 Fax: (803)324-
3993 instruments: elastic instrument rheometer with or without automatic cleaning, processing performance tester of rheostat, capillary Rheograph RCRMarcelo S.
500 Henry Street East hilderrand Hotel
Phone: (Wooster, OH 44691)330)263-7845 Fax: (330)263-
7846, Email: Sales @ gomaplast.
Website: www. gomaplast.
Com instruments: tension tester, flowmeter, laboratory oven, labeling machine, laboratory mixer, viscosity meter and scale Grecon, Inc.
Vice President Bob Barnum
Sales of 15875 SW 74 Avenue.
97224 Telephone :(503)641-7731 Fax: (503)641-
7508 website: www. grecon-us.
Email: Sales @ grecon-us.
Com instruments: Spark detection/fire extinguishing system, thickness measurement system, layered detection system, Cyclone plug
Testing System of Harris instruments155 Johnson Dr.
Delaware, OH 43015 Tel :(740)369-3580 Fax: (740)369-
2653 website: www. harris-instrument.
Com Email: info @ harris-instrument.
Com instrument: non
Contact measuring sensor and control system;
Digital process control system services provided: Monitoring of extrusion dimensions for size control and shrinkage measurement, inspection of hole Hoto instrument Paul Paliughi 3100 Dundee Rd.
Suite 707 family members will not come, il 60062 Tel :(847)564-2260 Fax: (847)564-
2095 website: www. hoto-instruments.
Com Email: info @ hoto-instruments.
Com instrument: Asker digital and analog thickness gauge; hand-
Handheld, automatic loading and automatic micro-meter for measuring the hardness and properties of various rubber, elastic materials, plastics, sponges, polyurethane foam and polystyrene foam services: Calibration Service (
See our ads on page 53)Hotpack Corp. 935 Mearns Rd.
Warminster, PA-189742811 Phone: (800)523-2327 Phone: (215)824-1700 Fax: (215)637-
0519 website: www. hotpack.
Com Email: hotpack @ hotpack.
Services provided: technical services, training, manufacturing hydraulic Ltd.
Danny mobe, 1A York Road
YO17 6YA, York Business Park, UK :(44)1653-600294 Fax: (44)1653-
692446 website: www.
Process viscosity meter.
Email: rubber @ hydramotion.
Com instruments: process viscosity meter, viscosity instrument Imada, Inc.
Paul paluji, 3100 Dundee Road
Suite 707 family members will not come, IL 60062 Tel :(847)562-0834 Fax: (847)562-
0839 website: www. imada.
Com mailbox: imada @ imada
Com instruments: used for stretching, compression and bonding;
Mechanical and digital strength meters, manual and electric test brackets, SPC software and special accessories up to 4,400 Ibf. ;
ISO 17025 certification services provided: Application Engineering and calibration services for Imass, Inc. J. R.
President James M. Heinrich
Desrikol, marketing directorO.
Box 134 accord, horse 02018-0134 Phone: (781)834-3063 Fax: (781)834-
3064 mail: Sales @ imass
Website: www. imass.
Com instrument: IMC instrument, material testing instrument
468 Elizabeth Frias, PhD marketing assistant, Liberty
Wittenberg, Wl 55599 Tel :(715)253-
2801 website: www. instruments.
Email: Sales @ imcinstruments.
Com instrument: temperature instrument (
Alarm, monitor, controller, etc. )
Services provided: repair of company equipment imppaa Bruce Freeman 5721 Cincinnati Way Cincinnati OH 45227 Tel :(513)271-9191 Fax: (513)271-
5120 website: www. impaktusa.
Com Email: selling @ impaktusa.
Com instruments: laboratory specimen cutting machine, laboratory cutting machine, sample mold service provided: Tony Hoffman, president of Keystone Ave 3611, grinding and certification of laboratory specimen cutting machine.
Nashville, Tennessee 37211-3350 Phone: (615)833-0666 Fax: (615)834-
8722 website: www. induscousa.
Com Email: info @ induscousa.
Com instruments: fatigue, tearing, tensile testing;
IndyTech laboratory equipment company instruments for raw material testing and testing of vulcanization and non-vulcanization rubber
Legendary stadium P. Brian WilliamsO.
Box 10214 Lancaster, Ontario, Canada, L9K1P3 Tel :(905)902-5770 Fax: (905)304-
2110 website: www. indytechlab.
Email: Sales @ indytechlab
Com instruments: test instruments and equipment used and refurbished, including Izod Charpy impact, hardness, stretching, tearing, density, viscous decimeter, microscope, stress and strain, sales and calibration of instron\'s testing instruments provided
825 College Avenue Jessica Carroll.
MA 02062-Norwood2643 Phone: (800)877-
6674 Email: marcom @ instron.
Com instruments: Universal Tensile and compression testing machine, Servo Hydraulic pump for determining the dynamic performance of elastic materials, fixtures, extenders and ambient Chambers, services provided: technical services, training, software programs traceable to load and extensometer verification at NIST Instron--
Tammy Mysliwiec 900 Liberty Street Industrial Products Group
PA 16127-Grove City9005 Phone: (724)458-9610 Fax: (724)458-
9614 website: www. instron.
Info_news @ instron.
Com instruments: Material Testing Equipment including stretching, stress-
Relaxation, tearing, creep and fatigue services provided: validation, repair, installation, calibration and training of materials testing equipmentmgr.
4470 Dr. Peach Lake
GA dulus 30096 Tel :(770)449-7776 Fax: (770)449-
0399 website: www. isravision.
Com instrument: quality control system;
Inspection and measurement, web inspection system services provided: turnkey systems including training, installation, maintenance and support for global J & L tools and machine companies
Bob landwellen, vice presidentO.
367 boxes, 1441 Miller Avenue.
46176 Telephone :(317)398-
6281 mail: bob @ jltool
Com instruments: klder rubber machinery and engineering, 5000 Kenmore Avenue, 258.
Oh, phone 44301 :(330)253-3377 Fax: (330)253-
4733 instruments: Tensile testing of Kemco instruments
420 Kenazo Avenue South.
El Paso, Texas 79928 Tel :(915)852-3375 Fax: (915)852-4084 Toll-free: (800)325-
3875 website: www. kerncoinstr.
Com Email: contact @ kerncoinstr.
Com instrument: rubber hardness tester
Type of material used to measure the drying of bones to complete saturation, infrared thermometer, microwave moisture analyzer (
0 to 100% moisture)
Microscope services provided: technical services of Leica Microsystems
2345 Road.
60015 Telephone :(847)405-0123 Phone: (800)248-0123 Fax: (847)405-
0164 mail: Information @ Leica-microsystems.
Website: www. leica-microsystems.
Services provided: technical services, training centers, instruments and meters: Microscope, measuring equipment, micro-photographic equipmentA. Litzler Co. , Inc. James H. Rogers, v. p. , sales 4800 W. 160th St.
Cleveland, Ohio 44135 Tel :(216)267-8020 Fax: (216)267-
9856 website: www. calitzer.
Com Emaihl: sales @ calitzler.
Com instruments and meters: computable processor 2000 single-end line processing labeling machine service provided: on-site serviceUSA), Inc.
There are 1673 Baoyun Huida Road.
Canada BC Delta V3M 6V5 Mobile Phone :(604)636-1011 Fax: (604)516-
8368 website: www. lmi3D.
Email: sales. rubber@Imi3D.
Com instrument: noncontact laser-
Measurement sensor based on various on-and-
Offline application;
These include the radial beat of the full production speed;
Imitation green rubber with high silicon content;
Tire side wall and inspection;
Thickness control of calender rubber
Detection of joint width;
Analysis of tread wear
Malvern Instruments, Inc. offers many services such as extrusion molding and side bumps and dents
117 Flanders Road
Horse 01581-Westborough1042 Phone: (508)480-0200 Fax: (508)460-
9692 website: www.
Com Email: Info @ malvernusa.
Com instruments: instruments provided by the manufacturer of dynamic/thermal mechanical and machining performance testingRobert D.
Goellner 4200 Knights cross-country northern land City, Mo 63045 Tel :(314)770-0880 Fax: (314)770-
0990 instruments: laboratory testing equipment;
The starting device for dumbbell cutting;
Scraping equipment for paving boards;
Knife split itters service available: Services and installation above mast/Keystone Thomas Hallp.
Sales 2200 Dixon Road.
NV Renault 89503 Tel :(800)806-6569 Fax: (775)324-
5375 mail: Sales @ mastdev
Com instruments: ozone test room and monitor from Meeco
Thomas Malone Hotel, 250 Titus Avenue.
PA Warrington 18976 Tel :(215)343-6600 Fax: (215)343-
4194 website: www. meeco.
Com Email: meecosales @ meeco.
Com instruments: electrolytic moisture analyzer, electronic measuring instrument for detecting trace moisture in gases and solids
F1 unit, West Mill, Empire commercial real estate, Grafson Kent, United StatesK.
DA11 0DL phone :(44)1474-566-488 Fax: (44)1474-560-
310 website: www. Test the machine.
Com Email: test @ messmerinstruments.
Services provided: technical services, training servicesToledo, Inc.
Shana Wheeler 1900, 43240 Polaris Avenue, Columbus, Ohio :(800)METTLER Fax: (614)438-
4900 website: www. mt.
Com/us Email: labsinsidesales @ mt.
Com instruments: Dynamic mechanical analyzer, thermal mechanical analyzer, differential scanning analyzer, Heat Meter, thermal gravity analyzer, balance (
See our ads on the first page)Micro-Vu Corp.
Greg Chatfield, marketing/sales manager.
Tel: (7909) Windsor, Kant Lane, CA 95492707)838-6272 Fax: (707)838-
3985 website: www. microvu.
Com mailbox: Sales @ microvu
Com instrument: automatic video coordinate measuring instrument, providing automatic size measurement of o-
Ring, gasket, etc.
MTI Instruments Co. , Ltd.
Paul Slazas, product sales manager.
325 Washington AvenueExt.
Albany, New York 12205 Tel :(518)218-2550 Fax: (518)218-
2506, Email: pslazas @ mtiinstruments.
Com instruments: quality control inspection products, sensors and amplifiers using optical fiber, capacitors and laser technology for displacement vibration, beat, thickness and surface condition MTS systemsPat Irwin, mgr.
Vehicle Dynamics Department
Doctor of Technology, rubber testing system 14000
Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Tel :(612)937-
4000 instruments: services provided by the testing system for measuring the dynamic properties of elastic materials and components: technical consulting services, training, software projectsEdelberg, mktg. comm. mgr.
5314 North Irwindale Avenue.
Tel: (91706)626)960-3300 Fax: (626)939-
3870 website: www. ndcinfrared.
Com Email: info @ ndcinfrared.
Com instrument: On-
Line thickness measurement and control system for rubber and calender products industry;
Range from simple systems-
Nikon completes the point measurement of the scanning system
Stephen Page, instrument manager.
Ministry of Industry
1300 Walt Whitman Road
Tel: (Melville 11747, New York)516)547-
8500 instruments: technical services, training, software programs OAI (
Optical Association)Charles D.
Tel: (685) San Jose, Oak Avenue, 95134 River, Turkey, CA408)232-0600 Fax: (408)433-
9904 website: www. oainet.
Email: Sales @ oainet.
Com instruments: UV radiometers, solar simulators, wipers, UVozone surface treatment Marine IndustriesL. C. Acu-
John A, Gage Systems Division
President P KaneO.
Box 6178 Manchester, NH 03108 Tel :(603)622-2481 Fax: (603)626-
1277 Email: info @ acu-gage.
Internet: www. acu-gage.
Com meter: Acu-
The gauge I single-axis linear measuring instrument varies in size from 12 \"to 120; Acu-
Fixture II, two axis coordinate measuring instruments with base dimensions of 12 \"x 12\" to 48 \"x 96\", Z-
Axis also offers the OCM test lab Bruce Scholl, 3883 E, director of the lab. Eagle Dr.
CA Anaheim 92807 Tel :(714)630-3003 Fax: (714)630-
4443 Email: sauer @ ocmtestlabs.
Com instruments: DSC, DSC, DMA, ft-ir, GCMS, GC, HPLC, gp, crispness, torsional stiffness, instrument impact, temperature traction, tensile properties of vacuum deflation at high temperature and low temperature, fatigue services: Ohm instruments for mechanical, physical, chemical, thermal, environmental exposure, identification plan and material identification 508 August
MD 21601 Tel :(410)820-5111 Fax: (410)822-
9633 website: www.
Com Email: Ohm @ ohmicinstruments.
Com instrument: Dew point instrument and controller;
Absolute humidity transmitter service provided: Service and calibration for all manufacturing equipment of Ontario mould119 Roger St.
Tel: (Waterloo, Ontario, Canada)519)576-8950 Fax: (519)576-
3670 instruments: service provided by laboratory sample cutting machine, laboratory cutting machine, sample mold: grinding and certification of laboratory sample cutting machine Olympus--
Woerd Ave, Anderson 48.
Ma Waltham 02453 phone :(800)225-8330 Phone: (781)419-
3900 Email: info @ Olympus NDT.
Website: www. olympus-ims.
Com instruments: thickness gauge, flaw detector, sensor, automation system, instrument services provided: Application Lab, training Orec ozone room and monitor 221 Beaver St
Oh, phone 44304 :(330)376-3600 Phone: (800)376-8500 Fax: (330)376-8500 Fax: (800)227-
9329 website: www. ccsi-inc.
Website: www. orecozone.
Web mailbox: jack @ ccsi-inc.
Com instrument: provides ozone test chamber for continuous ozone measurement control and data collection; A2LA-
17025 Calibration NISTprimary monitor standard Oxford Instruments, measurement system Chris Horvath, v. p.
Sales Products of 945 Busse Rd.
Tel: (60007) village of elkgrove800)678-1117, ext. 322 Phone: (847)439-4404, ext. 322 Fax: (847)439-
4425 website: www. oxford-instruments.
Com mailbox: Sales @ msysoxinst.
Com instruments: edx x, WDXRF, mdx x and NMR spectrometer, Bridgeport Ave 710 Perkin Elmer Instruments.
CT 06484 Telephone :(800)762-4000 Phone: (203)925-4600 Fax: (203)925-
4654 website: www. perkinelmer.
Com Email: info @ perkinelmer.
Com instruments: analytical instruments used in laboratory analysis services provided: technical services, training, software programs Piemont polymer equipment Dr. Robert Myers 1220 Olde Oaks
Gray, TN 37615 Tel :(423)753-7811 Fax: (423)753-
7911 instruments: fatigue, tensile, processing performance and ozone resistance test for PLV systems
Sam Melamed, 116 Governor\'s Road, Bldg.
D, Concord, Ontario, Canada unit 5 L4 K 2M4 phone (905)761-7234 Fax: (905)760-
1473 website: www. plv.
Email Address: sam @ plv
Com instrument: Power Analyzer--
Profile extrusion measuring instrument series for on-line and off-
Prescott Instruments Co. , Ltd.
Phil Prescott F unit, North Road Trade property, texbury, United States of AmericaK.
, GL20 8JU Tel: 44 (0)
Fax 1684 274300: 44 (0)
1684 293223 website: www. prescott-instruments.
Com mailbox: Query @ Prescott-instruments.
Com instruments: raw materials for physical testing, vulcanization and non-vulcanization;
Processing performance testing services provided: Service and calibration of rubber testing instruments
1020 Industrial Avenue, Francis masintonio.
Hampton South, PA 18966-4095 Phone: (215)355-
1500 website: www.
Com mailbox: Fran @ princoinstruments.
Services provided: Technical Services PTC instruments/PTC metrology Linda. Wolfe, Gen. Mgr.
2301 Federal Street
Los Angeles CA 90064 Tel :(310)478-1134 Fax: (310)312-
0826 website: www. ptc1.
Com Email: lwolfe @ ptc1.
Com instruments: durometer for measuring the hardness of rubber, plastic, ASTM, A, B, C, D, E, DO, O, OO, OOO, as well as the testing technical services, maintenance, durometer calibration and certification provided, the standard can be traced back to the NIST design custom instrument, the durometer Calibration Laboratory approved by A2LA (1896. 01)
Thermometer instrument company. , Inc.
92 North Street, building. 18-
D Windsor, NJ 08561 Tel :(609)443-5522 Phone: (800)468-7976 Fax: (609)443-
5590 website: www. pyrometer.
Com mailbox: Selling @ fireworks.
Com meters: nlw-temperature measuring equipment, hot wire wrench, temperature controller, recorder and transmitter
Provide: technical services, training, calibration Q-
Jim Gault lab, sales manager, 800 Canterbury Road.
Cleveland, Ohio 44145 Tel :(440)835-8700 Fax: (440)835-
8738 website: www. q-lab.
Com instrument: qv Accelerated Weathering Tester
Q-solar xenon arctest room
Fog cycle corrosion test chamber service provided: Contract Test quality USA LC
Dr. Gait adi 3415 Gait Ocean, 200 Ft.
Fanny, FL 33308 Tel :(877)884-8378 Fax: (954)697-
8211 website: www. worldoftest.
Com Email: info @ qualitest-inc.
Com instruments: testing techniques for rubber, including hardness tester/IRHD hardness tester, flexometers, wear tester, bounce back elastic tester, tensile tester, brittle tester, density meter, mold and
See ads on page 7)
Central Avenue exploration comprehensive 1012. S.
Kent, WA 98032 Tel :(253)872-9500 Fax: (253)872-
8967 mail: dianet @ qi2.
Internet: www. qi2.
Com instruments: lotis qc-
Hose measuring system Frank E. Randall Co. , Inc.
Henry Gardner, general manager248 Ash St.
Ma Waltham 02453 phone :(781)894-2030 Fax: (781)642-
9378 Gauge: dial thickness Gauge Rex Gauge Co. , Inc.
Al Blum, vice president, Buffalo Grove 1250, Park Road, IL 60089, Tel :(847)465-9009 Fax: (847)465-
9229 website: www. rexgauge.
Com Email: info @ durometer.
Com instrument: hardness measuring instrument (
For checking non-hardness
Metal surface)
Accessories services provided: Repair and calibration (Sales)(
See our ads on page 61)Satra-
House of Alan Garat satla, Hampden, Rockingham Road.
Kaitlyn, Northampton County, United StatesK.
Phone: 44 1536-NN16 9:3
518563 Fax: 44 1536-
519256 website: www. hampden-test.
Email Address: Hampdentest@satra. co.
UK instruments: ozone test cabinet, wear tester, elastic tester, I FD and CFD foam hardness tester, air hole and rising instrument services available: Service and calibration Scanco USA, Inc.
Lasesh cappadiaO.
Box 646 southeast, PA 19399 Tel :(610)688-1440 Fax: (610)688-
4976 website: www. microCT.
Com Email: rkapadia @ scanco.
Ch instrument: Xray micro-
Computer Tomography system services provided: non-
Destructive scanning/microscope of Shenke Pegasus2890 John R Rd.
Tel: (Troy, MI 48083)810)689-
9000 instruments: test machine providing dynamic spring rate, damping and durability services: contract testing service for dynamic Sprint, damping and durability Shimadzu Scientific Instruments Kevin McLoughlin 7102 Dr. Riverwood
Columbia MD 21046 Tel :(410)381-1227 Phone: (800)477-1227 Fax: (410)381-
1222 website: www. ssi. shimadzu.
Com mailbox: webmaster @ Shimizu
Com instruments: hardness tester, Universal/tensile tester, capillary/flow tester, thermal analyzer, Endurance/fatigue tester, UV-
VIS and infrared spectrometer, balance, gas and liquid chromatography shore instruments of 825 University Avenue product manager VIS on company Ed Tobolski.
Manowood 02062 Tel :(800)695-4273 Fax: (781)575-
5770 website: www.
Info_news @ instron.
Rubber hardness testing services provided: technical services, training, calibration signature Control System 25 Manzanita litton, CO 80127 Tel :(720)641-1131 Fax: (810)494.
5022 website: www.
Signatu recontrol.
Com Email: info @ signaturecontrol.
Com instrument: intelligent process control system function smarttrac expert system software for real-time monitoring of process
215 GA Peachtree City C suite Prospect Park 30269 Tel :(770)486-1233 Fax: (770)486-
1201 website: www. sikora.
Email: Sales @ sikora-usa.
Com instrument: On-
On-line measurement and control system for aggregate tubes and hoses (
See our ads on page 9)
Alan genecker v. Tyber industriesP.
Marketing 455 Bryant Street
North Tonawanda, New York 14120 Tel :(716)694-4000 Fax: (716)694-
1450 instrument: destructive test-
Wear-resistant taavdi Co. , Inc.
Dr. Saltuk Ismail 140 standard garden.
Riverside 02915-3600 Phone: (401)432-7086 Fax: (401)432-
7183, Email: isaltuk @ aol. com; isaltuk@tavdi.
Com instrument: computerized Yerzley oscilloscope (CYO-III)
Test the physical properties of rubber samples according to the services provided by astm d 945: equipment sales, maintenance and repair services, consulting and testing Tensitron, Inc.
Stansaxl 733 south Bowen Street.
CO 80501 Tel :(303)702-1980 Fax: (303)702-
1982 website: www. tensitron.
Com mail: Zhang Liji @ tensitron.
Com instruments: wire tension tester, fiber tester, tape and tension sensor, tape and tape tension, paper-
Tensile force, rubber thread tester, tensile force tester, tensile force tester
New York City, longke colomelewood court 11779 Tel :(800)678-3221 Phone: (631)439-5400 Fax: (631)439-
5420 website: www. Test the machine.
Com Email: info @ testingmachines.
Com instruments: physical tester services provided: technical services, training hot product solutions 2821 Old Route 15 new Colombia, PA 17856-9396 Phone: (570)538-7200 Fax: (570)538-
7380 website: www. tenney.
Com instruments: environmental test chamber services provided: replacement of components, environmental test chamber services and sales or lease of thermal electronics company refurbished environmental test chamber81 Wyman St.
Ma Waltham 02454 phone :(781)622-1000 Fax: (781)622-
1207 website: www. thermo.
Com instruments: torque rheometers for polymer flow measurement using small production equipment
All units controlled by the microprocessor; viscometers;
Thermal analysis of Seiko Instruments;
Circulating fan products, melt flow tester, capillary rheometers, DSC, TGA, DMA, tma dcr and services: technical services, training, software program Thwing-
Albert instrumentsSteven J.
Berry 14 W, vice president of sales and marketing. Collings Ave.
West Berlin, NJ 08091 Tel :(856)767-
1000 website: www. thwingalbert.
Email: Sales @ thwingalbert
Services provided: technical services, training, calibration Tidland Corp. 2305 S. E. 8th Ave.
WA Camas 98607 Tel :(360)834-2345 Phone: (800)426-1000 Fax: (360)834-
5865, Email: tidland @ tidland.
Internet: www. tidland.
Com instruments: Shaft, Chuck, slitting equipment provided for deployment, intermediate and Rewind application services: technical services, training, maintenance
Wayne Hayward mktgmgr. P. O.
Case 1009, 1065 Easton Road.
PA Horsham 19044-8009 Phone: (215)675-
7100 website: www. tiniusolsen.
Com mailbox: Sales @ tiniusolsen.
Services provided: Technical Services, ALA calibration TMI Canadian Lisa Ivanowskoff P. O.
Box 203 Pointe Claire, Quebec, Canada Tel :(514)489-8491 Fax: (514)488-
6044 website: www. Test the machine.
Com mailbox: Canada @ testingmachines.
Physical testing services provided: technical services, training TSI Inc.
Brian osmunson of Mktgmgr.
500 Cardigan Road, MN 55126 Shoreview Tel :(651)490-2811 Fax: (651)490-
3824 website: www. tsi.
Com Email: info @ tsi.
Com instruments: dimension measuring products designed to improve production efficiency and product quality;
Products include gauge for measuring diameter, speed and length, flaw detection, profile and 100% length inspection system services provided: Technical Services
C/o Suite 216, West Hills, United States, 111 Big Neck Road.
New York big neck 11021 phone :(516)466-7570 Fax: (516)466-
7572 website: www2. csr-net. or.
Jp/hps/ueshima/email: Message @ Xishan-usa.
Com instruments: laboratory testing equipment for measuring the dynamic properties of rubber and plastics used for R & D and/or production services, providing: installation, training and support services
Sales Operations 1925 Akron-Brian LiPeninsula Rd.
Oh, phone 44313 :(330)929-3333 Fax: (330)929-
3034 website: www. unionprocess.
Com mailbox: unionprocess @ unionprocess.
Com Instrument & instrument: joint calibration company for wear grinding, fine grinding and dispersion equipment
Dr. Carol Watson, president 5802 engineer
Tel: (Huntington Beach, CA 92649)714)638-
2322 website: www. tensiletest.
Com mailbox: rotley @ unitedtesting.
Com Shaffer 5171 Exchange Dr. com instruments: Material Testing System Services provided: Calibration of test systems and various force devices
MI, MI 48507 Tel :(810)732-2800 Fax: (810)732-
2872 website: www. tensiletest.
Com Email: utsflint @ sbcglobal.
Net instrument application: Material Testing system providing hardness, tension and compression services: Calibration and certification of hardness and various force testing systems
Nell Schulz Street, 212.
Tel: (Bronx 10474, New York)718)542-8248 Fax: (718)542-
8759 Email: nell @ vteclabs.
Com instrument: Wabash MPI 1569 Morris St. P. O.
298 cases Wabash, 46992-0298 Phone: (260)563-1184 Fax: (260)563-
1396 website: www. wabashmpi.
Com Email: wabashmpi @ corpemail.
Instruments & meters: Laboratory equipment Wallace instruments Loretta Powell, Catalogue of sales and marketing.
Dave Reynolds, sales/mktg Manager. Unit 4, St. Georges Ind. Est. , Richmond Rd.
KT2 5BQ, Kingston, UK Tel: 44-0-20-8541-4333 Fax: 44-0-20-8549-
3374 website: www.
Wallacinstruments. co.
UK Email: info @ wallacinstruments. co.
British instrument: hardness tester H14 (IRHD), H17A (Shore A); H17D(Shore D);
Hardness Tester H12 (IRHD), H17M (Shore);
X22B high precision density meter;
Rapid plasma meter P14;
Compression stress relaxation instrument C11;
O7E and O14 aging rooms;
Mooney viscosity meter V3;
Thickness gauge;
Wear, compression, low temperature test;
Plastic and toughness;
Sample preparation equipment services provided: calibration, service and repair of all Wallace instruments, global representative of Weber manufacturing
Peggy Lovett 8498 Brookville Road. P. O.
Box 19449 Indianapolis, IN 46219 Tel :(317)357-8681 Fax: (317)357-
8685 instrument: Oven, environment room weed Instrument Company, Inc.
Jeffrey Road, Bill Bayer 707O.
TX 300 Round Rock Box 78680 Tel :(512)434-2900 Fax: (512)434-
2901 meter: Resistance temperature detector WilliamsonW. R. Barron, mktg. mgr. 70 Domino Dr. P. O.
Box 1270 Concord, MA 01742-1270 Phone: (978)369-9607 Fax: (978)369-
5485 instrument and instrument: radiation thickness gaugeCo. , Inc.
George childos 80 Broadway creeskill, NJ 07626 Tel :(201)567-1411 Fax: (201)567-
7470 mail: info @ willrich
Com instruments: Analytical and torque balance, rope tester, coating tester, compression tester, thickness tester, elastic tester;
Size gauge, other laboratory and test equipment for WSF industryJohn L. Hettrick, Jr. P. O.
New york Buffalo Ken more branch 400, box 14217 Phone :(800)874-8265 Phone: (716)692-4930 Fax: (716)692-
4135 website: www. wsfindustries.
Com Email: info @ wsfindustries.
Com instruments: autoclave, process simulator Yxlon International, mktg Rita Pontefract.
Expert, 3400 Gilchrist Road.
Oh, Akron 44260-1221 Phone: (330)798-4800 Fax: (330)784-
9854 website: www. yxlon.
X-image analysis equipment for tires
Ray inspection system services provided: technical services, training and software programs of Carl Zeiss
, Microscope Div. 1 Zeiss Dr.
As an official, NY 10594 Tel :(800)233-2343 Fax: (914)681-
7446 instruments: a microscope used to check the properties of the surface;
Image analysis equipment services provided: technical services, training, software programs for Zumbach ElectronicsKeith F.
Donahue, 140 Kisco street.
Keith Hill, New York 10549-1407 Phone: (914)241-7080 Fax: (914)241-
7096 website: www. zumbach.
Com mailbox: Sales @ zumbach
Com instrument: non
Wall thickness monitoring/control system based on contact diameter gauge, ultrasonic and eddyflow for hoses, cable sheaths, tubes and pipes;
Desktop diameter measuring instrument for qcnon-
Thickness gauge for contact sheet;
OD/ID/wall monitoring and control system with color display, optical block/neck detector, cable spark tester, inductive wire preheater;
SQC/SPC data collection reporting and recording system and PC link network software Zwick USA Bob Donohue for Mktg. Dir.
No. 1620 Cobb International Avenue
GA Kenneth 30152 Tel :(800)546-9757 Fax: (770)420-
6333 website: www. zwick.
Com Email: info @ zwickusa.
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