Digital Measuring Instruments Supplier & Manufacturers

How about the minimum order quantity for ODM products?
Please consult our Customer Service about the minimum order quantity for ODM items. The MOQ of ODMed product is calculated mainly based on the design feasibility and material sourcing. Once you provide us with concept information and detailed specifications, we will notify you of the total cost for design, prototyping, and estimated cost per unit before the project begins. To be more specific, we have designed our own charging program based on the above-mentioned elements. We are committed to delivering quality solutions to you through our ODM services. Zhuhai JiDa Huapu Instrument Co.,Ltd are an expert in our field, as you are with yours.
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As the pathbreaker in the infrared temperature gun business, JiDa Huapu Instrument Company works hard all the time. JiDa Huapu Instrument Company is mainly engaged in the business of sound level meters and other product series. In terms of its design, JiDa Huapu Instrument Company earth ground resistance tester is the result of integrating the wisdom of our creative designers. It follows the latest market trend of POS systems. The product features a wide measuring range. Product quality has passed a number of international certification. Its bright backlit display provides better visibility in dark areas.
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our team is committed to building the first brand of similar products in world! Please contact.

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